SEO is a continuously developing technology. Over the years, a number of things have changed, but what has remained constant throughout is the use and technology of backlinks. They, basically, are links that connect to your site from some other site. These links are of two kinds, the no-follow type and the do-follow type. It is the later that is usually given the importance. Most of the back links created are do-follow and lot of attention is given in creating them.
Earlier, the more the backlinks you had, higher the SEO ranking was. However, this is no longer the case and things have changed. The quality of the backlinks has become more important than the quantity.
Google has updated their algorithm recently and the change has been disastrous for the private blogs. The low quality links were devalued and only the best quality was taken into consideration for the SEO ranking of the site they were connected to.
There are certain tools that are very useful for checking the quality and standing of the backlinks that you have used for your site. They will help you know about all the backlinks that you site has and also know its functionality and quality.
This is a very versatile tool that can be used for various facets of SEO. It is also very useful for checking the quality of the backlinks too. It is not free, but you can try the trial version for 2 weeks. After that you need to go for the paid version that costs $149.
The database of the tool is updated on a daily basis. You can check the quality and the functionality of your back links easily at this site. There is an overview report that tells in detail including the country where the maximum backlinks are and the links to the competitor’s web site.
It is also areliableback link checker tool, but you can make a free account and go for the analysis of your tool. The tool is very useful for getting a detailed analysis of the site and you can know for yourself whether your site value is increasing or decreasing.
Open Link Profiler
Itisvery good free link checking web site. You can get a detailed analysis of your links as well as the text. You can also find out the latest and the freshest back links that are directing to your site. There is also the facility of exporting thousand new back links in the CSV format.
This tool comes in a free and paid version. It is very good for the content marketing. The paid version has a number of additional features. You can also export the links in Excel format or in the CSV format to your site.
Open Site Explorer
This is a very good tool forcomparingback links between sites. You can use it for comparing two or more sites at one go.
Link Diagnosis
This is also a good option for checking the various links to your blog.